New Hope Clients:
Our service Area includes zip codes 99005, 99021, 99003, 99009, part of 99025 north of East Newman Lake Drive
and part of 99218 north of Hawthorne and the part of 99156 that is within Spokane County.
Social security numbers for each member in your family
Picture ID or Driver's license for those 16 and older
Proof of income (pay stub, award letter, EBT card, bank statement, etc)
Proof of address physical not PO Box (mail with date stamp within last 30 days)
A copy of your bill (electric, utilities, etc.) for which you need assistance
Available to Clients
Financial assistance for emergency vehicle repairs or parts
Housing/Rental assistance with eviction notice and/or repayment plan
Assistance for utility shut-off notices
Clothing Bank
Referrals – We help clients find additional agency resources such as contacting Kiwanis Clubs for cribs, SNAP for utility assistance, the CHAS Clinic for medical needs, etc.
Toiletry Items (Clients are invited to select six items from our stock every other month)
Books for adults and children
Spiritual Resources
Donated Bibles and Daily Bread devotionals are available in the office
Christian books
Flyers from supporting Churches are displayed
Office staff pray with clients when requested
Encouragement from the office staff
Services for Seniors and Disabled
Carpentry – Basic Home Repairs
Simple plumbing Repairs
Simple electrical Repairs
Snow Removal
Transportation to Medical Appointments and Errands
Yard work
Firewood (and other fuel)
Baby Wipes
Feminine Hygiene Products
Toilet paper
Dental floss
Denture cleaner
Bar soap
Bladder pads
Shower Gel
Hand Lotion
Liquid hand soap
Shaving Cream
Adhesive Bandages
Cotton balls
Paper Towels
Dish soap
Laundry Detergent--pods
Dryer Sheets
Light bulbs
Hearing aid batteries
Dog food--dried
Cat food--dried
Service to Seniors
Transportation (to appointments, grocery store)
Chore Services (house cleaning, laundry, yard work, snow shoveling)
Errands (pick up groceries, prescriptions)
Respite Caregivers
Hair care/personal hygiene